For and by Black People
EL has an Afrocentric lens, and sees Blackness through the lens of decolonial border thinking.
It also centers Afro-Indigeneity and ancestral ways of knowing.
It uses Afrofuturism for a constant visioning of Black people thriving.
It includes the environmental experiences of the entire Black/Afrikan Diaspora.
It elevates diasporic organizing as a method to engage and organize throughout the Afrikan diaspora to build community and solidarity.
Historical Analysis
When speaking of environment(s), it is important to do so in the context of the Environmental Justice definition. By this definition, it is the complex interaction between physical, geographical, biological, social, cultural, and political conditions that surround an individual or organism and that ultimately determines its form and nature of survival. The EL framework historically/culturally critiques and analyzes injustices in the environment(s) of the Black experience:
Genocide of Indigenous people
Transatlantic slave trade + Arab/Indian Ocean slave trade
Global Racial Capitalism: Continued extraction of labor and resources from the Afrikan diaspora for the amassment of white wealth.
Transcending Systems
Environmental liberation seeks to meet the immediate needs of Black people by focusing on community building. While we recognize that we exist and work within these systems, the majority of our work transcends colonial borders and neoliberalism.
EL radicalizes individuals with the lens of needing transformational, existential, and holistic change.
The EL framework allows us to assess our needs within Generation Green's "EL Manifesto" and beyond--to then organize and mobilize accordingly.
Environmental Liberation
Environmental Liberation (EL) is Generation Green's foundational ideological framework posed to claim a decolonized, regenerative, and autonomous future. EL critically analyzes the injustices in the environment(s) of the Black experience that stem from colonialism, racial capitalism and white supremacy. This framework seeks to return Black people around the world to their ancestral connection and relationship to the Earth.
The term EL was coined by Ayana Albertini-Fleurant, one of our co-founders, and Generation Green's founding team evolved it into a framework and movement.
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© 2020 - 2021 Generation Green

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